About secretlookz.com

About Secret Lookz: Fans are invited take a peek inside the day-in-the life of SecretLookz  , as we provide an insider scope of the sexiest and stylish lingerie brand in the Bangladesh.

We encourage fans to post experiences, share and comment on our wall posts, photos and videos. We consider all comments an important connection to our customer, good or bad, fan comments or testimonials.

We comply with Facebook terms & conditions and require that fans do the same. We consider spam, abusive, profane, obscene, hurtful and defamatory posts to be noncompliant to Facebook’s terms and conditions. Please understand that we reserve the right, in our discretion to remove postings that are:

-Abusive, defamatory or obscene
-Fraudulent, deceptive or misleading
-In violation of intellectual property rights of another
-Offensive pornographic; graphically or in tone
-Solicitations of any kind

We do not endorse, nor are we responsible for accuracy of the information, advice, opinions and claims shared by other Facebook users.

Address: SecretLookz
Dhaka -1207